
Onze Kamers en Prijzen

Ontbijt inbegrepen - Breakfast included

Standard room

€110 p1p

€140 p2p

€210 p3p

20 m² met douche en gratis wifi

20 m² with shower and free wifi

Comfort room

€120 p1p

€150 p2p

€225 p3p

25 m² met inloopdouche, gratis wifi

25 m² with walk-in shower, free wifi


€240 p3p

€280 p4p

€320 p5p

€360 p6p

100 m² met badkamer en douche, keuken, living

100 m² with bathroom and shower, kitchen, living room

Max 6p

Ontbijt - Breakfast

  • Lekkere soorten charcuterie, verse broodjes
  • Ontbijtgranen, youghurt, gekookte eitjes, confituren…
  • Koffie, thee, fruitsap

  • Tasty types of charcuterie, fresh sandwiches
  • Breakfast cereals, yoghurt, boiled eggs, jams…
  • Coffee, tea, fruit juice…